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SAMPLE PACKS SINN ALL AN EEN PACK . Enthält all Element néideg fir e vollt Lidd ze maachen.  



OUR sample packs include huge variety of drums , including the following.

Kicks , percs , open hats , closed hats and snares. Also including drum loops. royalty-free and ready for you to use


Our packs also include "home made" samples. ready to be used in your next track. Royalty-free


we also include "demo projects" in our sample packs , to have the user learn and adapt and study projects of different genres


Our sample packs also include mixer presets. These mixer presets were made and put in our sample packs to speed up workflow. also to give your tracks that extra spark and perfect sound.

Full songs

we also decided to include a variety of full songs I've made. The songs represent the exported versions of the demo projects. representing a full mix of how it sounds.


In our sample packs we included something to speed up workflow and also spark creativity. we decided to include some midi patterns. ranging from drum patterns to loop patterns. Royalty-free for use.

All Kits gi vu mir produzéiert an entworf (Kill3r). Gemaach fir en neie Sound un der Underground Gemeinschaft ze bidden. E Kläng anescht wéi all aner Kläng. liwwert en eenzegaartegen an aussergewéinleche Sound fir Är Lidder a Tracks. Eppes fir Är Nolauschterer d'Ouer ze fangen an datt se Är Konschtwierk wierklech mat engem neie kreativen an endlosen Toun apricéieren.

liwwert all Element fir en neit Lidd mat ze maachen an ëmmer nach e Klang vu Kreativitéit ze hunn. E Klang dee rau Emotioun ubitt an Ären Nolauschterer d'Bilder huet déi Dir virgesinn huet mat Ärer Streck ze hunn.

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