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Frequently asked questions

Have a question? You may be able to find your answer in this section. If you don't find what you are looking for , Contact me here.

Are the samples on Kill3r Audio royalty-free?

Yes , everything we sell is royalty-free but , look over our royalty-free sample terms here

How Will I Receive My Download Links After purchase?

If you've just placed an order you will revive a Conformation email containing a receipt and download links to download your product that you have just purchased.  

*Note : Links will only be sent to the email you provided at checkout*


Didn't Receive Your Download Links?

If You have just placed an order and did not receive a conformation email , reach out to me Here or via


Cant Load Samples purchased into you DAW?

If you can not load your samples into you DAW then please visit this Link. If you are not using Fl Studio as your DAW then please refer to your DAWs website for further assistance.


Samples sounded warped and distorted when loaded into your DAW

If your samples sounded distorted when loading them into your DAW then please contact me here for further assistance.

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